Dear Members of the COST Action EuroMicropH,
This Thursday (9th September), we are organising a special virtual event to give us all the opportunity for some scientific exchanges and discussions about how the Action can help you with your research. The title of this workshop will be “EuroMicropH – Progress, Plans, and Opportunities” and it will consist of two main sessions open to all participants.
September, 9th 16:30 CEST
-) Presentations by STSM scholarship holders
Short term scientific missions (STSM) are an important tool of COST actions, that enable exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST action, for example to work on a joint project or to learn new lab techniques. There is more information on STSMs here:
Some EuromicropH STSM grantees have enthusiastically accepted to tell us about their experiences and the outcomes of their STSM. The session will start with short presentations (a few minutes per speaker). We will then open to questions from the audience. Join us! It will be fun and informative.
Zoom Meeting information (please log in into your zoom account)
Please only unmute yourself if invited by the chair and use the chat for questions and comments.
September, 9th 17:30 CEST
-) Mixer on
Everyone is then invited to take part in an informal virtual mixer and to discuss your relevant topics with other EuroMicropH members. We hope you’ll be interested in discussing things like the exchange of methods, joint publications and how COST can fund them, new collaborations, and any other topics that you might like to suggest.
For this session we will use the tool, where we can have discussion in small subgroups. For you need to install the browser Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Browser. Please make sure that before you enter you have closed all other video meetings like Zoom. You can find the link for our session here and the room is already open, so you can go there in advance and check your settings.
Based on a recent survey four topics where predefined to enable a discussion between participants:
- Scientific Exchange (e.g. STSMs, new collaborations…)
- Funding and Grants (planned projects, new grants etc.)
- Methods Marketplace (learning or sharing new methods)
- Publishing with COST (writing publications together within our consortium…)
- Other topics
Everyone is invited to speak and communicate with the other participants. There will be no presentations from others.
It is just a networking possibility to meet other persons from the action and speak.
We are looking forward to seeing you in this EuroMicropH workshop.
Matthias Steiger Working Group 6 lead, and Virtual Network Support Manager)
Pete Lund (Action chair)
Daniela de Biase (Action deputy chair)
PS: These two events are surrounded by the MC meeting and MC members received a separate email today from Peter Lund.