We are pleased to announce that our COST Action Final Open Meeting on “Understanding and exploiting the impacts of low pH on micro-organisms” will be held at TU Wien, Austria, on 18-19 September 2023.
Presentations will be delivered by action participants and invited speakers from all the areas in which the COST action has developed its activities over the years, i.e. from understanding the impacts of low pH on micro-organisms at the molecular level (WG1 and WG2), to exploiting the impacts of low pH responses in micro-organism with respect to applications in the medical (WG3), biotechnological (WG4) and food and drink (WG5) sectors.
Synergies and cross-fertilizations between these diverse research application areas will also be showcased at the meeting, as well as gaps that have been identified.
This will also be a unique opportunity to showcase your work amongst the COST action community with the EFB community, which will be meeting in the same venue on 19-21 September 2023. On Tuesday afternoon two session will be shared between the two events.
Confirmed Speakers
The meeting is open to all participants of the COST action and there is no registration fee charged. However, registration is mandatory and possible until 15 July 2023 (if sufficient places are available).
Eligible participants for reimbursements will be informed in due time and can claim max. 3 days of refunding (inclusive of the time spent for travelling, to/from Vienna) at a rate of € 180/day. On top of this, the Action can contribute to cover travel expenses up to a maximum of € 500/participant. Arrival and departure can be scheduled a few days before/after the meeting. The COST Action will, however, refund only these 3 days (maximum).
Due to limited budget availability, we encourage to register well in advance and submit an abstract.
The Microbial Stress Meeting Conference will be held at the TU Wien, Austria at the Campus Gußhaus.
The city offers a variety of comfortable and high-quality accommodation for different budgets. Be aware, however, that some may book out, so early booking is advised. Participants are responsible for making their own lodging and travel arrangements.
Hotels near the venue with special rates for the COST Open Meeting and the Microbial Stress Meeting
-) Hotel Johann Strauss, Favoritenstraße 12, 1040 Vienna
from €130/Night single,, including breakfast
-) Austria Trend Hotel beim Theresianum, Favoritenstraße 52, 1040 Vienna
€140/Night single, €150/Night double including breakfast
Other hotels close to the venue
-) Hotel Erzherzog Rainer, Wiedner Hauptstr. 27-29, 1040 Vienna
-) Hotel Secession, Getreidemarkt 5, 1060 Vienna
An evening poster session will take place on Monday 18 September 2023. Posters can be mounted
The recommended poster size is A0 (84,1 cm x 118,9 cm). Pins will be provided to fix the posters and your poster number will be listed in the book of abstracts and displayed on the poster board. Presenters are requested to print and bring their posters along as there will be no poster printing service provided by the conference organizers.
At least one author must stand by the poster during the poster session and be prepared to answer attendee questions.
Posters can be mounted right after registration on Monday and must be taken down by Tuesday 13:00, unless you are also attending the Microbial Stress Meeting. Each participant is responsible for removing their poster.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
CSO Approval date: 13 November 2018
Action duration: 17 April 2019 to 16 October 2023
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