1st Acidic Friday

1st Acidic Friday
Date: 2020-12-18 16:00 CET
Venue: Online, Zoom
Location: Online, Zoom

Open discussion platform of the COST action EuromicropH

This discussion series is intended to stimulate an exchange on the different aspects of how microorganisms react to low pH conditions and why people are interested to investigate this subject. Having a regular meeting for the COST action will facilitate communication between COST members and new members of the action. We can use this platform to attract new members and connect to other initiatives. 

Join Zoom-Meeting 

Meeting-ID: 965 7414 7089
Password: KUqQ3Rzb


Oded Liran, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, Israel;

Merve Atasoy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden


16:00  Welcome 

16:05   Matthias Steiger, TU Wien, Austria

            Introduction to the Acidic Fridays, Concept and Idea

16:25  Conor o`Byrne, NUI Galway, Ireland

Understanding How Microorganisms Respond to Acid pH Is Central to Their Control and Successful Exploitation, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.556140

16:40  Questions and Discussion 

17:00  End

Do you want to contribute to one of the next Acidic Fridays? Please suggest here a title for a talk and indicate your availability.

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