3rd Acidic Friday

3rd Acidic Friday
Date: 19.02.2021 16:00
Venue: Zoom
Location: Zoom

Open discussion platform of the COST action EuromicropH. This discussion series is intended to stimulate an exchange on the different aspects of how microorganisms react to low pH conditions and why people are interested to investigate this subject. 

Please register here for the upcoming meeting. To access the meeting please follow the Zoom link beneath.

19.02.2021 16:00 CET

Join Zoom-Meeting 


Meeting-ID: 998 3764 0693 Passwort: bcS94kj5



Nuno PEREIRA MIRA, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) , Portugal

Zeynep ÇETECIOĞLU-GÜROL, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


16:00  Welcome 

16:05  Gerd Seibold, DTU Bioengineering, Denmark

Sensor-based visualization of the cytoplasmic pH in agar-plate-based colony array for high-throughput studies on pH-homeostasis in Escherichia coli

16:25 Binu KUNDUKAD / SCELSE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Weak acids as an alternative anti-microbial therapy

Questions and Discussion

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