20th Acidic Friday

20th Acidic Friday
Date: 21.04.2023 15:00 CEST
Venue: Zoom
Location: Online

Open discussion platform of the COST action EuroMicropH. This discussion series is intended to stimulate an exchange on the different aspects of how microorganisms react to low pH conditions and why people are interested to investigate this subject. 

Please register here for the upcoming meeting. To access the session, please follow the zoom link below.

21.04.2023 15:00 CEST

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Meeting-ID: 687 0443 7216

Passwort: jCHXb4zd


Session Chairs: Jana Sedláková,University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia; Zeynep Çetecioğlu-Gürol, KTH, Sweden


15:00 Welcome

15:05 Eva Pakostova, Coventry University, UK

Acidophilic sulfur- and iron-oxidizing prokaryotes: Energy metabolism, bioleaching applications and adverse environmental processes


Acidophilic sulfur- and iron-oxidizing prokaryotes: Energy metabolism, bioleaching applications and adverse environmental processes

Eva Pakostova, Coventry University, UK

Acidophilic prokaryotes are known for their diversified metabolisms; they use a range of electron donors and acceptors, and grow in a broad range of environmental conditions (including extreme conditions, such as temperatures up to ~85 °C). Focus will be placed on acidophilic chemolithotrophic bacteria and archaea that oxidize sulfur (S) and/or iron (Fe). Fundamental findings will be presented from transcriptomic investigations of the model bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans oxidizing S and hydrogen under anaerobic conditions, using Fe3+ as an electron acceptor. Bioleaching, which uses S and Fe oxidizers to extract metals in a cost-effective and environment-friendly way, is applied in industrial processing of low-grade metal sulfides and gold concentrates. In recent years, bioleaching has attracted much attention and new applications are being developed, particularly for e-waste recycling. Two sequential bioleaching-based technologies will be presented: (i) for in situ extraction of base metals from deep-buried ores (BIOMORE, EU Horizon 2020), and (ii) for solubilization of base and platinum-group metals from spent automotive catalysts (UK BBSRC). One of the greatest concerns in mining is the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) characterized by low pH and high concentrations of sulfate and metal(loid)s. The major cause of AMD is accelerated sulfide oxidation catalyzed by acidophilic S- and/or Fe-oxidizers (e.g., Acidithiobacillus, Leptospirillum, Ferroplasma). Diversity of microbial life associated with mine-waste environments has been investigated within the TERRE-NET program (NSERC), with an objective to develop improved strategies for managing mine wastes. 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing data from a number of Canadian mine sites contaminated with AMD will be briefly presented.

Acknowledgment: Funding for this research was provided by EU Horizon 2020 (642456), BBSRC (BB/S009787/1), and NSERC (NETGP 479708–15).

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