Dear colleagues on COST Action CA18113
The main objective of this email is to let you know about two new funding streams that we are announcing for the current grant period of our Action, and that we encourage you to think about applying for.
These are for “Virtual Mobility Grants” and for “Virtual Network Support”. Full details of these grants and how to apply for them can be found on our website at the links provided. In brief, the Virtual Mobility grants (€1500 maximum; up to six available) are to help in capacity building and the encouragement of virtual collaborations in our Action. The Virtual Network Support grant (€4000, one available) is for the development, implementation and management of an online strategy for the Action. Both grants need to be clearly linked to the delivery of our overall objectives, as set out on the web site here. If you have queries about either of these grants, please contact me ().
The virtual mobility grants have no closing date, but the activity they fund must be completed and reported on before the end of the current grant period (Oct 31st, 2021). Applications for the virtual network support grant must be received by July 16th.
Can I also remind you of the other support that our COST Action can potentially give to your research activities? Visits between research groups and labs (“Short Term Scientific Missions” or STSMs) are still taking place, and funding for these is still available: see here on our web site for information on how to apply. Funding for early career researchers and for PhD students from Inclusiveness Target Countries to attend conferences is also still available: see here for details. Please let me know of any joint grants or publications that arise from research related to our Action, and remember that we can potentially pay page charges for papers which are coauthored by people from at least three of the participating countries in our Action.
We hope that things will be getting back to normal in the near future, and there will be more chances to interact face to face. For now, I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and well.
With warm regards
Pete Lund
Chair, COST Action CA18113