Dear Member of the EuroMicropH COST action,
You are cordially invited to participate in the 3rd Acidic Friday meeting.
The Acidic Fridays are an open discussion platform of the COST action EuromicropH. This discussion series is intended to stimulate an exchange on the different aspects of how microorganisms react to low pH conditions and why people are interested to investigate this subject.
Please register here for the upcoming meeting. To access the meeting please follow the Zoom link beneath.
19.03.2021 16:00 CET (Vienna)
Join Zoom-Meeting
Sofia Pauleta, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
16:00 Welcome
16:05 Peter Lund, University of Birmingham, UK
Effects of organic acids on bacteria – a review and update
Questions and Discussion
Peter Lund, Institute of Microbiology and Infection, University of Birmingham, UK
Effects of organic acids on bacteria – a review and update
In this talk I’ll look at what we know about the effects of organic acids on bacterial growth – a topic which is relevant to our COST Action if we are considering their use as antibacterials (in clinical or food production settings), and also potentially of relevance if we are trying to improve their production. I’ll begin with a review of what is known from the existing literature, focusing on data from work on E. coli, and then I’ll discuss some of the ways that we are applying novel approaches in our lab to learning more about the ways in which organic acids can affect bacteria growth.